Michelle Ewald I just don't get out of the 33 developed nations, 32 of them
have some sort of universal health care. And the one that doesn't is the USA.
There are even communist countries that have it as well. Not to mention, that
there are some ignorant fools that will try to say that we have the the best
health care system in the world. I have to laugh at that because America ranked
37 and the last time I checked France ranked number 1. The USA also has a very
high infant mortality rate. I wish some of the opponents of universal health
care would explain that to me.
Bill Davis Follow the money that controls Congress. There is a LOT of
money at stake in healthcare. The ones who have a big piece of the healthcare
pie want to keep it. SP won't happen until the voters wake up to the fact that
they are being manipulated by political advertising paid for by the powers that
be. Knowledge is power and by obscuring the facts and hiding the truth, they
maintain their power over ignorant Americans who would rather watch a ball game
than maintain their democracy by reading outside fox news and corporate
controlled media.