

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mainstream Media News Fails

Below are comments sent to four TV networks.  I don't count Fox as a news network and they would pay the least attention to my comments anyway.


No results found for "single payer." Find more recent stories in NBC News Health:
Is the result I received for my search. 

ACA is big news, and a lot of people are complaining about it.  Why don't you complete the story, tell the truth about Improved Medicare for All.  You are doing your viewers a disservice by denying the existence of H.R. 676, the Conyers Bill.  You are doing the country a disservice.  You are helping kill 45,000 people annually in the U.S. just because they cannot afford insurance.  You are aiding and abetting the healthcare establishment to put countless people into bankruptcy.  Did you know that of the bankruptcies filed in recent years, over 60% involved medical bills? And of those, over 75% of those people had insurance when they became sick? Clearly, insurance offered by the for-profit companies is not the answer.

What is the point of a free press if you don’t report the truth and the whole truth, holding bad actors accountable to society? You have become corrupt as Congress. This is not a good time to be an American and unless corporations drop the corporate personhood stuff and recover responsibility for corporate citizenship first and stockholders next, it will become far worse.
For more information, check,

Searching for “single Payer” gave just three relevant results today, December 29th, 2013
I’m pretty sure Walter Cronkite would be ashamed of your present organization.

The ACA is big news, and a lot of people are complaining about it.  Why don't you complete the story, tell the truth about Improved Medicare for All.  You are doing your viewers a disservice by denying the existence of H.R. 676, the Conyers Bill.  You are doing the country a disservice.  You are helping kill 45,000 people annually in the U.S. just because they cannot afford insurance.  You are aiding and abetting the healthcare establishment to put countless people into bankruptcy.  Did you know that of the bankruptcies filed in recent years, over 60% involved medical bills? And of those, over 75% of those people had insurance when they became sick? Clearly, insurance offered by the for-profit companies is not the answer.

What is the point of a free press if you don’t report the truth and the whole truth, holding bad actors accountable to society? You have become corrupt as Congress. This is not a good time to be an American and unless corporations drop the corporate personhood stuff and recover responsibility for corporate citizenship first and stockholders next, it will become far worse.

For more information, check,

My search of for single Payer gave several results for this year. First, I noticed the endorsement of 'Single Payer" by Colin Powell. In Dayton, Oh your affiliate doesn't have the most popular 6pm news. With this search result, I will make it a point to watch ABC news at 6:30. I am hoping I will see more coverage of the benefits of Improved Medicare for All and how it is better than ACA and will create more jobs than it destroys. See and for more.


Causes? Why not do something that will "Save the Humans"? How about running some specials on Single Payer, Improved Medicare for All. You could feature Colin Powell, Wendell Potter, Donna Smith.  They will all tell you that the ACA makes no sense and the longer we put it off, the more it will cost in lives and money.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

On working for Democracy and Justice

News-flash for those who think the mainstream media, print, or broadcast, is liberal: That’s crap.
I received a petition from entitled “Glitter is Not Bioterrorism!”  I searched the internet with “glitter bioterrorism” and got hits on several internet publications, no print or broadcast media outlets were represented, not even PBS or NPR! One found headline: “A Glitter-Covered Banner Got These Protesters Arrested for Staging a Bioterror Hoax” continued with: “Energy giants have lobbied police to treat environmental activists like potential terrorists. Looks like it's working”.
            Isn’t it a little scary, no, really scary that not one Oklahoma City paper or TV station reported this story? No wire service covered it! Okay, maybe the origin was “The Onion”. Nope, I just checked.
Not only are corporations manipulating law enforcement, but no mainstream media is covering it.  You can’t get mad about what you are unaware of, can you? Should we be concerned about this? The whole point of a free press is to hold bad actors accountable.  Do we have a free press? Not anymore, apparently.  The FCC has allowed so many mergers of media organizations, there is insufficient competition and diversity in local media markets. 
This story and the lack of coverage seems to suggest that the media consolidations went way too far to maintain an objective, investigative press not subject to corporate dictates.  Do you know why the country is going to hell without a whimper? Few people know the truth because mainstream media no longer believes it is their job to tell the truth. Investigative reporting has lost a great deal of its punch since the 70’s.
I recently learned about  Look for the list under “The Spirit Level” heading and check those links.  Watch this six minute video on Wealth Inequality in America:
Until we understand what is going on in our country, it will be difficult to aim at the cause to fix it, including the injustice in healthcare.

The TrueMajority OREO video... featuring an animated Ben Cohen.