Fortunately, we had a gift card handy to give her. Had I been alone in the car, I may have accepted the possible risk of picking her up to see if I could help more in some way. I won't forget her face. She looked so, so sad. So close to the brink of tears.
Do you see Jesus in our community? He's back, looking for compassionate people who will look through His eyes at community needs. He's looking for voters who will elect people who know what is right for the community instead of those who will cater to their wealthy donors. Jesus taught us to heal the sick, support the weak and comfort the afflicted, not to hate poor, disabled and aging people. He's looking for people of faith, carrying the light of truth and ready for action to care for ALL of His children. Are you ready to take up His cross of caring for others by seeking to understand and help resolve their problems instead of judge and hate them because some talking head, politician or un-Christian charlatan preacher says you should? Aren't you really smarter and more caring that that?