Requested Post to Presbyterians everywhere on LinkedIn
I share the following with you because there is far too little meaningful support from churches in promoting the truth and differences between where we are and where we need to go and how to get there with Improved Medicare for All, HR 676. We have many who "support it", but few who will evangelize about it. Unfortunately, support is not all we need. Far too many people are disconnected and unaware of the truth, but well aware of the myths provided by the health insurance and medical industries.
I hope this will generate some interest in more people visiting Healthcare-Now as well as Physicians for a National Health Program, These organizations need your name on their list and more money in their campaign chest not to mention feet on the ground for local functions to promote awareness. How about if you arrange a showing and discussion of The Healthcare Movie. Heathcare-Now has links to local organizations will people who will support you or help you get organized in your area.
Sincerely yours in Faith, Light and Action,
William N. Davis, II
Deacon, Stephen Minister and member
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Miami Valley Presbytery
Dayton, Ohio
Eleven faith-based organizations have passed resolutions in support of HR 676/Medicare for All so far.
In the summer of 2008, for example, the Presbyterian Church (USA), adopted a recommendation supporting national health care reform, calling for advocacy and education that pursues “the goal of obtaining legislation that enacts single-payer, universal national health insurance as the program that best responds to the moral imperative of the gospel.”
The United Methodists have called single-payer, the “Pure Alternative” to healthcare reform, and say that the, “United Methodist policy says ‘Yes’ to Jesus’ mandate that we move to a caring non-profit system that uses our money to cover everybody, not for profits, but for a single payer system that provides guaranteed quality healthcare for all.”
If your church or faith group wants to pass a resolution in favor of HR 676/single-payer, let us know. We’ll be happy to provide you with sample resolutions or more information.
Faith Endorsements for Medicare for All
Assembly of the Urban Caucus of the Episcopal Church
General Board on Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church
Presbyterian Health, Education and Welfare Association of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Church Women United State Governments
Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Union for Reform Judaism
Ainsworth United Church of Christ of Portland, Oregon
The Network of Spiritual Progressives – Tikkun Magazine
United Church of Christ
Episcopal Church’s General Convention
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