

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Q & A on Single Payer

Michelle Ewald I just don't get out of the 33 developed nations, 32 of them have some sort of universal health care. And the one that doesn't is the USA. There are even communist countries that have it as well. Not to mention, that there are some ignorant fools that will try to say that we have the the best health care system in the world. I have to laugh at that because America ranked 37 and the last time I checked France ranked number 1. The USA also has a very high infant mortality rate. I wish some of the opponents of universal health care would explain that to me.
Bill Davis Follow the money that controls Congress. There is a LOT of money at stake in healthcare. The ones who have a big piece of the healthcare pie want to keep it. SP won't happen until the voters wake up to the fact that they are being manipulated by political advertising paid for by the powers that be. Knowledge is power and by obscuring the facts and hiding the truth, they maintain their power over ignorant Americans who would rather watch a ball game than maintain their democracy by reading outside fox news and corporate controlled media.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Keep up-to-date on health care issues

Healthcare Reform 2.0

By Steffie Woolhandler, MD, MPH and David Himmelstein, MD
CUNY School of Public Health, Social Research, Fall 2011
So while the American people want an expanded and improved Medicare for All — that is, a single-payer system — corporations dead-set against single-payer reform have come to dictate the agendas of both political parties. Hence, the only way to win national health insurance is to build a popular movement to counter corporate power.“healthcare-reform-2-0″-in-the-fall-2011-issue-of-social-research/

Healthcare Reform 2.0 (12 pages):


By Don McCanne, MD
This brief primer (9 short pages plus references) on Healthcare Reform 2.0 will provide little new information for those who have followed the research and educational efforts of the leadership of Physicians for a National Health Program. Nevertheless, it should be downloaded to be used as an advocacy piece to explain to others why Healthcare Reform 1.0 (Affordable Care Act) will remain a failure, and why we have to move on to Healthcare Reform 2.0 (expanded and improved Medicare for All). By distributing this, electronically or in hard copy, you can become a part of the popular movement to counter corporate power.

A beautiful Speak Up comment printed the day my letter appeared

The issue should not be "more government versus less government," but government more looking out for its everyday citizens who need its protection, and less looking out for the rich and powerful entities that can afford to buy its protection.

DDN Published letter 10-29-11

This was printed in the Dayton Daily News 10-29-11
To see what I actually submitted, find my earlier post on this blog.
I have noticed that the paper has been devoting far more space to health care, an important issue that affects everyone at one time or another. The trouble is that it is mostly bad news: People losing coverage, Republicans contesting the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, rising premiums for Medicare patients, etc.

I am disappointed that there still has been nothing regarding the movement for single-payer health care, also known as improved Medicare for all. It is a grass-roots movement in the truest sense of the word. There are so many powerful interests and so much money involved; universal, comprehensive healthcare in the United States will not come about unless the citizens demand it as they did to gain other rights we have today.

There are many reasons that providing improved Medicare for all would help our country and its citizens. One study found that replacing the PPACA with H.R. 676 would replace all the jobs lost in 2008. Several good books have been written on the topic. There are dozens of websites devoted to  the single-payer health care system. I suggest that if you want to stem the ever-rising cost of healthcare, the bankruptcies resulting from huge medical bills, the deaths that could be prevented if everyone had Medicare, that you learn about and support single payer.
-------------------- the following was all dropped.
Read books and visit,, and more listed at

Nobody is going to care for your health like only you can do by demanding a universal, comprehensive, fiscally conservative solution to our country’s healthcare crisis. Demand what many main-line churches, labor unions, county and local governments have endorsed.


William N. Davis, II Region 7 Coordinator
7231 Hardwicke Pl.
Dayton, OH 45414

Sunday, November 6, 2011

2011 Election - Ohio Issue 3

Adding such a sloppily and ambiguously worded amendment into our Constitution would jeopardize or invalidate dozens of already existing Ohio laws, threaten public health, and invite hundreds of lawsuits for which Ohio taxpayers would foot the bill.Law professors in Ohio also agree with the newspapers that whether conservative, liberal, or middle of the road, while Issue 3 would have zero impact on what the Tea Party calls ‘Obamacare’, it would have devastating consequences for Ohio.
The Youngstown Vindicator put it most succinctly:  “It is not just futile political posturing, it is wasteful and potentially destructive.”
For more information on the proposed amendment, visit the coalition’s website at 
Cleveland Plain Dealer                          Columbus Dispatch
Cincinnati Enquirer                                       Akron Beacon Journal
Toledo Blade                                               Canton Repository
Athens Messenger & Athens News  Youngstown Vindicator


The TrueMajority OREO video... featuring an animated Ben Cohen.